autoroute du soleil

Tried to leave Les Pilles early. Drove off at 4pm! Ah well.

Got to Pierre's mum and dad's where they served up steak tartare. I thought it was going to be like beef carpaccio i.e. thin slivers of raw beef but, no, it was basically a raw steak burger with a raw egg yolk on top...served with a guacamole-like dip/sauce made of gherkins, tomatoes, spices etc.

I just couldn't do it. Normally I'm happy to wash down food I don't really like with plenty of wine. Especially when I'm a guest at someone's house but I just couldn't stomach it. It was like a burger mixture before you make it into a patty and fry it.

Thankfully, Pierre came to my rescue (when he saw the look of horror on my face!! haha) and suggested I might like mine cooked.

Thank god!

Apart from that, it was a gorgeous meal and we told them all about our past week and showed them the photos whilst listening to old French classics :)

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