Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

And the sky is grey

Happy Labor Day.

Days like this, waiting for our number to come up at the Beach House, so we splashed through the jets in the splash pool then strolled on down to the beach. The marine layer was rushing in and the heavy was warm and heavy with it. The ocean beckoned us easily to join her, lapped at our legs like an excited puppy dog and thrilled the boys.

And then the Beach House pool. The last Monday for the season. Oh, how we'll miss you. Some bonus day and weekends left for September and then the pool closes to the public in the hope that we'll get a bonus day on a hot weekend in January (which happens) or wait patiently til the season reopens in May. Oh the wait...

With grateful thanks to our perfect summer days spent here, the wonderful staff who know us by name and remember us each year and for the fun that comes from actually being employed by the Beach House as a photographer for events and promotional imagery. I realised today that this is the life I enjoy, being outside, breathing in salty air where it's never too hot. There are huge things I would change about Los Angeles and SoCal, but no place is perfect, right?

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