
By tookie

Happy Labor Day!

It's Labor Day in the USA....many workers have the day off. There were a few picnics and parades to honor workers. I used to participate in my own union's picnic...back in the day. Today my mind is on the need to say NO to any bombing of Syria by our government. I feel we need to tell our congress not to vote an ok to do this. I am so reminded, once again, of the Holly Near song that includes the words.."Why do we kill people, who kill people , to show that killing people is wrong...what a foolish notion that war is called devotion...." here Anyhow.. often those who enlist and go off to our wars are those who cannot find good jobs or any work at all ...or as a means to get an education after they serve. I fear many more innocents in Syria will die too if we do this "pinpoint" drone bombing. We used chemical warfare in Vietnam with agent orange and many still suffer the effects. That is all horrid too. We used napalm....we dropped the atomic many innocent loss of life. We have had leaders who washed their hands of it all after calling for the bombings of so many in Iraq and Afghanistan. It isn't going to teach Syrian leaders a lesson...we need to lead by example of peace as Dr. King called on us to do so. My rant for labor more bombings by us to punish or bring about peace.. What a foolish notion. We need JOBS



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