The old one's are, often, the best.

As may have been deduced, I got another year older recently.
Before she gets insulted, I'll point out that nice/beautiful though it was, it didn't come under the heading of funny which I was about to witter about. :¬))

LA, as I may have mentioned, many a time and oft, tends to give me kiddy-wink type presents. Latest being 'mongst others a "Faxismile" of a big fat bee which grows grass for hair, and a little robot I yet have to build and add to the collection of Fire engines and working four-strokes and things.

My, longest standing mate Fred sent one which instructed me to:-
"Don't worry about your past,
Don't worry about your future card...
and I won't worry about your present."
and from the inlaws
"There are lots of great people in our family,
but you're REALLY SPECIAL card...
you volunteered."
Which, I suppose gives the lie to "You can't pick your relatives."

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