Growing old disgracefully


CHASING RAINBOWS... not a good idea while you are driving. I saw a perfect full bow today, beautifully framing the Muirshiel Hills, but had nowhere to park, so I give you this one instead.

After taking the VIP to school this morning (three weeks in and that still feels pretty weird) I pottered round local libraries, coffee shops, etc, posting posters for the autumn classes. I always feel it's bad manners to post on a café notice board without buying something. After three coffees and two teas I felt awash with liquid and was forced to soak it up with a pecan croissant.

Cracked on with the writing most of the rest of the day and IT IS FINISHED, hurrah. No, on second thoughts it isn't really, three more sections to write and it all has to be re-formatted. Maybe tomorrow?

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