The Chosen

Betsy and I are reading this book together. I've had this copy for more than twenty years. It's an amazing book.

It's the story of two teenage boys in Brooklyn just as the second world war ends. They are both Jewish, one Hasid, and the other Orthodox. They become close friends through a chance event, and the story is of their struggles to fulfil the paths chosen for them and to work out who they are in the context of their very differing religious viewpoints, and the post-war world. It's brilliantly written, very moving and utterly gripping.

Betsy and I have really enjoyed discussing it and keep the iPad at our side as we read so I can check I'm pronouncing the Hebrew and Yiddish words right and look up their meaning. We also use google images to see what unfamiliar things like a Tefilin or Tzitzit look like.

On a slightly different note, we went to see Monsters University this morning. Excellent!

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