The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Dinner for One

Up at 5am. Walked myself to the church and back. Was very quiet without you and the girls! Breakfast, gym, nearly blew up on the treadmill...for some reason intervals on 30 secs flat out and only 30 secs recovery is much tougher than the normal 40 secs. Breathing out my behind! Fuel then into work, nowhere to park at 7.50am as car parks all full. These people are early birds! Need to get gym membership at College so that I can park at 6.25am and beat the buggers!

Worked until meeting at 8.30am, productive meeting and a little more work until I raced home for 10.30am. Picked up Bex, shut up house and drove to station. Train to London, Paddington then Reading. Checked into manky Travelodge on Oxford Road and was reminded how crappy this part of Reading is. Worked, got too got (it is BAKING HOT here!) so went to Cafe Nero for some air com so I could work more. Back to change and now I'm sat in All-Bar-Ine having a glass of wine (sorry, only one!) and water and tapas are on the way.

Hope your first day at work has gone well and that the girls are settling with you. Sorry about their cat-chasing antics and whining...hope they are good tonight!

Bex says hi. We had a right good natter on the train to London! ;0) x

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