24.8C with long sunny spells. Breezy.
Yesterday evening I was checking for emails when the computer monitor started flickering. Next thing I had nothing on the monitor to look at. The old switch off and switch on again trick only brought images back for a few seconds. Had the monitor gone, or could it be the graphics card on the PC. That was the question.
I had a think. I booted up my netbook and connected it to the monitor. After a minute or so the monitor went dark. Oh dear, no monitor. I left it switched off for a few minutes and then reconnected it to the PC and switched on. Thankfully it had enough life for me to shut down the PC.
A morning trip to a suitable large shop and I now have a new monitor. Wide screen, LED ... and cheaper than the previous one was. Upside is the quality. Will be great for photos :-)
Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. A large Combine Harvester was just beginning work in the field across the road from the side of our house. Maeve and I stopped to say hello to a fellow blipper who was watching the action.
No bales in the field with the bridle path yet, but the straw must be drying quickly in the strong breeze. Bales soon I hope. Perhaps a trailer or two too like last year.
We carried on down to the beach where the tide was well in and the sand dry and thick up near the dunes having been blown along by the breeze. I took quite a few pictures. I like this one with the clear water in the foreground and full sun on the boats and the sea. Maeve enjoyed paddling along in the clear water.
When Maeve and I got back home I got Maeve a full bowl of fresh water and went back out by myself to have a look at the harvesting. I took some pictures through gaps in the hedge. I have put three pictures in my blipfolio after the ones of Arbroath harbour.
Note: I use the Misc. folder of my Blipfolio for any extra pictures I might be lucky enough to have and think are good enough to post on any given day. If you have come along later than the day of posting, the pictures in the Misc. folder may not be the ones you expect to see from the text on that day's blip ... hopefully you will still enjoy the picture(s) you see there :-)
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