Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Festival time!

Its officially that time of year again, when Edinburgh goes completely mental, you have to fight through crowds of tourists to get out of your building, you can't find a bus within a mile radius of the Castle at night and the fireworks just about give you a coronary every time they go off! (yes, I forgot about the Tattoo and had to walk home tonight, clearly serves me right for living in the centre of town!)

I do love it really, well, most of the time... :o)

I went to see The Penny Dreadfuls at the Pleasance tonight which was fantastic, so very very funny and I thoroughlarly recommend if you can still get tickets. I'd been feeling a wee but down in the dumps, all tired and on my own (Jess was supposed to be coming but then had to work at the last min, and also this is my first Festival without Mags - its just not the same without you bossing me about Titch!) but as soon as it started I knew I was in for a treat, laughed all the way through and came out most cheered up :o)

So a successful first day and so far the herd of Americans I saw moving in downstairs earlier have been pretty quiet - and only had a singsong in the garden once ;o)

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