Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms

End of an era: the death of a national anglophone

On Friday the hub and I attended a shin-dig for the last ever show of World Radio Switzerland as a national radio station - aptly called "The Wrap". Old and new employees were present as well as avid listeners hoping to put voices to faces before they all went off air.

T'was a bitter sweet event, set on Lake leman (aka lake Geneva for those who aren't local) with the "jet d'eau" in the distance and the last of the summer sun setting, colouring the sky. They went off air for the last time at 7pm and before that we were lucky enough to have Petula Clarke who has lived in the area for the past 40 yrs, sing! For those too young to remember she did this!

Having listened to the "new" WRS on Sunday and this morning I have decided to switch to a Swiss radio station. The new format has lots of ads and the local news covers only the Geneva/Swiss Romand area which I find limiting. Plus I'm a snob - I liked the old way when I could hear my hub occasionally on The Connectors (an expat programme made by expats), where radio jingles didn't get stick in my head and where the info shared at least was more relevant to living in Switzerland.

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