
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Happy Anniversary

Slept in, tried to get into two exhibits but they were closed, saw a vintage car display, had the best soya chai latte in town, home for a cosy night in while the winds blew.

Such a greyer, colder, windier day than Saturday for the busk. I went into town to try out my new Fuji X10. I'm not sure we're going to be good friends. I tried all sorts of settings and rarely seemed to get things in focus. For the first time, I began to think it was the camera rather than my inexperience. Once I switched back to my iphone, everything clicked. In fact, I felt rather spoiled for choices so I've put the others here.

I've chosen this one for purely sentimental reasons. Twelve years ago today, Dr T and I got hitched. Fifteen years ago on Monday we got together. We didn't have nearly such a stylish carriage but we've had a pretty good marriage. So this blip is for Dr T. Thank you, Tom.

I'm grateful to Dr T for making me laugh everyday.
I'm grateful to our community of friends.
I'm grateful that soya chai lattes are in the world.

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