
By Shutterup



King Arthur's perhaps?

The names on the table are :-
King Arthur

Sir Galahad - This knight was the illegitimate son of Sir Lancelot

Sir Launcelot Deulake ( Sir Lancelot du Lac who fell in love with Queen Guinevere )

Sir Gawain - This knight was famed for fighting the Green Knight

Sir Percivale - This knight was famed for fighting the Red Knight

Sir Lionel - This knight was brother of Sir Bors and cousin to Sir Lancelot

Sir Tristram de Lyones - This knight was the son of King Meliodas & Queen Isabelle of Lyonesse - second greatest of the Knights of the Round Table

Sir Gareth - Sir Kay was the mentor of this young knight

Sir Bedivere - a giant of a Knight

Sir Bleoberis - This knight was This knight was an arrogant Knight who later became a hermit

Sir Brunor le Noir - aka La Cote Male Taile because he arrived in Camelot wearing an ill-fitting coat which had belonged to his dead father

Sir Lucan - This knight was a most loyal and trusted of the Knights of the Round Table

Sir Palomides - who was a Saracen knight

Sir Lamorak - This knight was This knight was the third greatest of the Knights of the Round Table

Sir Bors de Ganis - This knight was brother of Sir Lionel and cousin to Sir Lancelot

Sir Safir - This knight was a Christian Knight of Saracen descent

Sir Pelleas - This knight was of low birth but one of the bravest of the Knights of the Round Table

Sir Kay - King Arthur's foster-brother

Sir Ector de Maris - This knight was the Ladies man of the Knights of the Round Table

Sir Dagonet - The jester of King Arthur

Sir Tegyr - This knight was the cup-bearer of King Arthur

Sir Lybyus Dysconyus ( Sir Guinglain was Sir Gawain's eldest son also known as Le Bel Desconneu - the Fair Unknown )

Sir Alymere - This knight was totally loyal to King Arthur

Sir Mordred - This knight was the treacherous Sir Mordred the son of King Arthur)

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