Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: Wherever you rest.....

Tiger is a faithful friend. For the past few days, I have been cat napping on the sofa. It's been a regime of head rest and sleep and taking things slower to shift a heavy virus. It's shifting, sleep by sleep slowly.

I should be relieved, that its nothing more serious. Since a racing heart episode last Tuesday things went down hill, ending in a post viral splattering of spots, and a couple of trips to A &E with chest pain and headaches. Ordered to rest, which for a non rester is a fidgeting marathon. I have slept. I thought I wouldn't. I slept and slept.

Tiger has been chaperoning my every move. It makes me suspicious. They say that animals can sense injury or illness in their owners by their change in smell. My blood tests are all good and clear. So Tiger is wrong on that one. I have a heart scan tomorrow, I hope he is wrong on that one too. Faithful friend.......x

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