Wow - that was difficult!

Thanks to the lovely people at Blip Central I got a press ticket for the Edinburgh International Festival fireworks. Getting there a bit less than an hour before it was due to start it was a novelty to be able to casually walk through the already packed gardens without worrying where to sit. I showed my pass and got into the restricted access press area above the Ross Bandstand. Looking for a place to set up I was lucky to spot my friend J with a free space on the bench next to her. So we were able to compare notes as the evening wore on - both of us found it very hard. I've since seen a number of comments online from more experienced firework photographers that it was a particularly difficult show to photograph, so we probably shouldn't feel too bad. Here's one of the few I was sort of happy with. Great show with the music all the same.
BTW, looks better larger!

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