Saying farewell to a new friend

H has had the very best of holidays. She has made lots of new friends and taken part in lots of activities. I didn't hear her say that she was bored once during our 10 days away.

R has had some good times too. He had three private lessons with a professional tennis coach, and feels that his game will have improved drastically with the coaching he has received. He spent quite a bit of time watching the coach teaching other players too. 17 is an awkward age. Not quite an adult, but not a child either. I noticed that he wasn't the only young adult at a loose end!

F took himself (and R when he wanted to go) a couple of times to watch the football at a nearby bar. He got the well earned relaxing holiday that he had been yearning for.

And me ... well, I read four novels, which always a good indication of how relaxing a time I've had. I looked ridiculous on a daily basis by swimming in my hat and sunglasses ( I've had sunstroke too many times to worry about looking silly). I spent so much time in the pool that I should have shrunk, not expanded. I've eaten so many lovely meals - none of which were cooked by me :-).

It has been wonderful!

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