kerbside debris
Hurrah! I have survived my 4 night duties, and have just put this weeks blips online.I took photos every day, put one online, then misplaced the camera leads for one day and then I slept in. Mr P woke me at 1730hrs yesterday. I leave at 1815hrs to catch bus. Quick shower, coffee, and soup, then rushed.
On the way down the hill this morning I noticed the variety of things in the kerbside gutter. I love the way the condensation is caught inside the plastic bottle. I was trying to work out what the plant matter was and where it came from. It wasw everywhere. Eventually worked it ou when I turned the corner at the bottom. I dont know what they are called tho. They have been in the area outside the flats since they were built 24years ago, and I've never really noticed them like this. I'm usually more interested in people than plants. Poor excuse,I know.
I'm rabbiting a bit now. It's time for bed, have dozed for about half an hour in total since I got up yesterday. I try not to go to bed after my last night duty, so that I will be able to sleep at night.
Have a great weekend.
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