New Toy - Dogsitting: Day 8

I bought Mac a new toy when I went to the store. My previous dogs always liked this rope toy to play tug of war. He knew immediately it was for him. I held it up and he sat down as if expecting a treat. I shook it over his head and made the fringed ends wiggle and that sealed the deal. He jumped up and grabbed it and off he went.
He is not into to playing tug of war though. He likes to just chew on it, toss it up in the air and then run after it as if it were alive. He smacks his paw on it as if he has captured it.
It was a lazy morning for me. I just didn’t feel like doing much until we went to our friends house for a late afternoon BBQ. It was a nice time with lots of laughs, which are always a welcome thing. We stayed into the evening and when we got back I heard my granddaughter’s voice in the backyard. She was very excited to tell me she was walking Mac. My daughter holds the leash but then lets her hold on too so she feels like she is helping.
My grandson walked him on the wet grass the other morning and Mac pulled on the leash but because the grass was wet and my grandson had no shoes on, he slid across the lawn like he was water skiing. It was quite a site! The both grandchildren are going to miss Mac when my sister and her family returns. Mac on the other hand might appreciate the break from our crazy, noisy, busy house.

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