Stupid boy!

I went up town for a few messages and walked back along the entire length of Princes Street, just because I could (the crowds have vanished with the end of the Fringe). There were evident preparations in progress for the fireworks concert tomorrow night.

When I got off the bus I noticed a three adolescent gulls standing on the plank in the WoL - one of them was trying to eat a bit of a plastic carrier bag, while one was striving desperately to pick up this piece of debris. Here he had managed to get hold of it and was hastening triumphantly away with his prize, pursued by one of his mates. By the way it floated it was probably plastic. Immediately after this he dropped it but made great efforts to pick it up again - actually got his beak round it at one point. I left him paddling about trying to fish it out of the water again.

Why am I assuming he's male? (Rhetorical question.)

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