Saturday: Zrinjevac Park

Well, my photography commission is complete. My boss and his wife recently had a baby and they asked me if I would come over and take some family shots of them. In return, Heidi, who is Canadian, cooked me an excellent breakfast of pancakes, streaky bacon and maple syrup.

I now know why I stay clear of people shots! It is way too stressful, particularly as babies have a tendency to look in every direction but yours, plus there was quite a bit of dribbling going on......anyway, I hope they like them. I haven't used any for my blip as they are their photos and it is not really for me to post them.

It was such a lovely day that afterwards I went for a short walk in the park - as you know, Zagreb is a city of many statues and here is another!

On another issue, someone I know recently gave us a spare Apple TV router. Well, I am entirely overwhelmed! It was quite simple in the days when we accepted we couldn't get much in the way of TV - we just watched whatever we had, or borrowed, on DVD. Now, I can download anything I want from iTunes, stream everything through my ipad, and watch live British (and a hundred other channels) TV. I think I might just go back to pretending I don't have proper TV. I don't really need to get drawn into TV world, other than to watch the things I really enjoy. So, on that note, tonight I shall be watching Fritz Lang's 1927 classic, Metropolis.

That said, it will come in handy when 'The Great British Bake Off' starts (or is it on already?) - oh, and Doctor Who, of course...........but, for the rest, I might rent the occasional movie, but otherwise I shall carry on as before.

Right, having spent ages editing baby photos, I am off to do something not computer related.

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