
By robzpix

I've got a remedy

Above is a picture of me and my cousin Georgia. It's great having a cousin that's the same age as me...because we like the same thing, listen to the same type of music, into the latest trends etc etc. Today we walked to the end of the road for a nice roll in a little cafe called Crusty's. After, we had our hair cut and eyebrows waxed (not waxed off, just shaped!). Tomorrow we are going shopping in the men's section at Primark to get massive baggy t-shirts so we can cut of the tops so they hang of the shoulder. Coz' we're cool like that!

The title has nothing to do with anything related to the picture or the article, it just happens to be my favourite song at the moment

Check it out, !Little Boots-Remedy
. It's a great song!

Hope you had a nice day. It was actually quite warm today and for once in 6 weeks I actually felt heat and became quite irritable! Hahaha.


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