
By Beewatcher

Not a red devil

So today -
Got up ( obviously )
Realised I needed printer paper
Mr. Beewatcher dropped me in town
Got printer paper ( found two packs in a cut-price stationer cost the same as one pack of the same paper in Smith's,oh I'm smart )
Realised two large packs of paper were a little heavier than I'd expected
Tottered through the mall to the bus stop,sat and waited for the bus on one of the elegant new metal benches ( drawback - new benches much higher than the old ones,meaning feet dangle like a toddler )
Got bus home. Thought about lunch.
Panic phone call from friend. Elderly mother not answering phone,can I see if she's in trouble ? Gives me key safe number so I can get inside house if necessary.
Mr. Beewatcher drives me to elderly mother's house while I try frantically to remember words of " Staying Alive " if needed.
Get to house and ring bell. Elderly mother shouts downstairs that she's just about to step into the shower. Wait on doorstep for elderly mother to get dressed.
Elderly mother opens the door. Slight problem with telephone is resolved. Ring friend and explain. Return home and wait for adrenaline level to subside.
Have lunch,contemplate switching on computer ( three sets of minutes and monthly church leaflet to type up and print ).
Decide to write letter to friend in New Zealand instead. Write letter,take to post box,and on returning home see this rose,which seems to have appeared overnight.

So here we have today's blip,which should have been a red devil. It's the mascot of our town football team,and was wandering around the mall promoting sales of the new team shirts. I'd have photographed it if I hadn't thought the bus was about to arrive.
I'll be glued to the keyboard all evening :(

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