The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Mother Nature's Rorschach Test

"OK, take a look and tell me what you see. Don't worry there's nothing scary here and there are no right or wrong answers. Just trust the creativity of your mind and listen to the song in your soul." Mother Nature

The pond at Tuscawilla Park is lined with trees draped with bits of Spanish Moss, filled with Mistletoe, and with no bark to speak of (help me out here Wade I don't know what they are). I was struck by the colors and textures found in the tree trunks and the rather abstract designs I found as I processed the images.

Whimsy strikes again .... and the adventure continues.

PS - I'm spending more time organizing my photo-art prints and working with new images, hoping to build up an inventory of prints so I can try my hand at selling them at festivals and farmer's markets. From time to time (maybe once a week) I'll share one with you hoping for critiques from people I've learned to trust so I can get an idea of which images to print and offer for sale this Fall.

This first print is from a pic I took on our one jaunt across the puddle and was taken in a fishing village in Wales.

Dockside, Wales


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