


i. made. it. back home on my own turf - after a wonderful vacation with my brother in the mountains - conquered my panic/anxiety with driving this go 'round - had 1 minor hiccup on the way home - but i managed to deal with it - without having a major meltdown - so proud of myself for simply facing it head on - not giving up - carrying on - reaching my destination...

it goes to show - if we set a course - put a plan into action - get people to support us via prayer, good thoughts, vibes, energy, whatever - have determination and the wherewithall to follow it through - we can do whatever we set out to do - is it difficult? yes... does it come with its own set of stresses? sure... however - if we allow ourself to be beaten down - listen to that voice saying "oh you can't do that" - we will never amount to much, now will we - so it's better to give it a go - try it out - see what happens - will i take another driving trip? not soon... i must recover from this one - it will take a while - i do know this - the next one i consider doing - will be sooo much easier - because i chanced doing this one - had the gumption to give it a go - believed in myself - and that, my friends, has made for many...


happy day.....

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