Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Home at last

We set of from Tadworth early hoping to avoid the traffic and it still took us 5 hours. What a hellish journey it was too. Rafi was insistent that the window should be wound right down on the motorway then threatened to throw the loose contents of the car out of it! (And we thought we had Rafi-proofed the car) 4 toilet stops later and we have finally arrived home a little greyer than when we set off (and that goes for Nina and Kiera too!) Poor Nina in the front seat had to put up with Rafi's feet either side of her head, but she coped well and stayed calm.Kiera nearly had a dickie-fit when she thought Rafi was going to hurl things out of the car, she clung on firmly to the cushion and a disaster was avoided. Well done Kiera.xx
Anyway that journey is behind us now, I'm home and I'm going to enjoy it.

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