I love you...

...beautiful birthday boy.

You're kind (you immediately offered to repay the £17 you owe me and dad, with your birthday money!)
You're considerate (you waited for youngest to stop crying because you got a pressie he wanted, before proceeding to unwrap the rest of your pressies)
You're brave (you decided to go for a place on the pupil council)
You're generous (you've given me two kisses today and you give youngest a goodbye kiss in the school playground every morning)
You're sensitive (you cried when those little birdies died in that nature programme)
You're funny (you're wearing a police sticker on your head right now, just to make youngest giggle)
You're loyal (you told youngest to tell that boy that hurt him that you're an expert in judo, karate and Taekwondo. 'Nuff said)
You're clever (I've never known a boy with a vocabulary like yours!)
You laugh at naughty words (look at the blip!)

Happy birthday eldest!

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