New experiences / growth

By BARDrags

I'm not really in the house

And mum's been working all day. Dad's been ok to be with, polishing two cars and watering the garden - at least he comes and checks out the holes we've been digging! He helped us look for a pigeon but I reckon it had gone long before he turned up. He has a rubbish sense of smell. this morning I rolled in something brwilliant, it smelee divine, and he never noticed. no wonder he can't catch plugins.

And it's sooooo hot, I want to walk but every time we move it's like way too hot to do anything. And now dad's off for a bike ride which means we won't get a walk for ages and ages and ages, snot fair. And Pippa's in a grump cos her paw hurts and she's not allowed to chase balls (what is it with balls? I chase hares and she just watches a pink lump of rubber bounce around the field, duh!).

Anyway, reckon if I stay here long enough, someone will notice us and feed us, I am wasting away after all, and perhaps walk us too....

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