I have a dream........

Sorry if you've seen this image already; I tweeted it earlier but it's the only shot I've taken today.

I've been suited and booted and wearing my academic schmutter for a degree ceremony. It was a small affair with about 50 people including the graduate's mother and other family members as well as a couple of special guests from the OU. Thus our gowns included a Cambridge PhD, and Oxford MA, a Birmingham LLM and a Liverpool BA (which is pink and furry!) as well as the formal OU Presenter's gown and my OU MEd - the one in the photo. The keen-eyed among you will spot that my hood has a white strip at the top which differs from other OU MAs - this shows that we had to work harder for this degree :-)

As is traditional at the end of the short ceremony the graduate was asked if he would like to say a few words and he eloquently drew together Mandela's quote about education being the most powerful weapon, Martin Luther King's dream and Obama's "If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.". It was stirring stuff and when he faltered his friends in the room offered gentle encouragement. He also movingly addressed his mother and thanked her for her support and love.

Then tea and a buffet and a mingle with the guys. Lots of people there are studying with the OU so there were plenty of people who wanted a chat but those who aren't students also wanted to thank us for visiting and making the day so special. Funnily enough the officer who conducted the security search as we entered is also an OU student so as we worked through the gowns we were able to point out which was which and she commented on how motivating it is to see what she'd be wearing in a couple of years when she graduates.

Not the shabbiest way to spend a day even if it does involve a good few hours negotiating the M25. Early start in the morning so I'm for me bed soon. Someone else keep an eye on the Interweb for a while?

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