No blip

So here's mike and Johnny Vegas that he took last wk when I was at v fest - he had to trump my Eddie Izzard! Met the same day but no pic!
Today I returned to work and short listed and met my deps
Met melody (who was great at nursery today - her fav worker sue is back!) yay!
Melody things that are peculiar at the moment!
1- she likes to have a blanket on her if she sitting down and always calls out for one!
2. She doesn't believe there is a number 20! Whenever we get to 19 she says 10 - I say no 20 - she says no no mummy 10!
3. She sometimes has her yog before dinner.. Stumbled once upon the fact if she says no to dinner she will eat it if she has her yog first
Today she was great - I always ask about nursery and never get much sense back but today she said she did painting - painted her hands and washed them after! And ate her sandwich! It was a proper convo about her day! Loved it!

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