
By amandoAlentejo

Reading and Relaxing

This is a datura meteloides - there are a couple of bushes around the house here and I love going out at dusk to watch the flowers opening up. The bees go crazy, trying to force their way in even before they've opened, and then filling the trumpets as soon as they can. They smell amazing in the night air - the sap is apparently highly hallucinogenic.

Spent the day relaxing and reading by the pool. Finished Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook) about how women hold themselves back from leadership - worth reading - a lot rings true. And then the most perfect novel, Stoner by John Williams, 1965, about an unassuming American professor, but told in such a way that it makes you see why a life is worth living. And have now started the third in a series by Robert MacFarlane, The Old Ways, about walking, but utterly beautiful writing - it's how I wish I could write my blips...

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