Proper boozer

I drove down to Liverpool this morning and then went to visit Mum in hospital with Dad. Unfortunately she wasn't in her room and nobody seemed to know where she was. Turned out they had taken her off a few minutes before visiting time for a scan. It also turned out she was in too much pain to let them put her in the scanner. Not surprising as it turned out she has a broken arm. So, arm to be put in plaster and then another scan booked in for tomorrow.

My Mum is nothing if not a stoic and when you align that with a pain tolerance threshold that is way beyond my comprehension the fact she's been suffering so much has told its own story. As we learned today that her arm is broken the doctors don't just assume she's just being awkward now when they try and move her.

There will be more news in the days to come on the other ailments but at least we have one thing crossed off.

After the evening visit I took my Dad to "The Comm" for a pint. I've been coming here for more years than I can recall. Unfortunately my abiding memory is of being 17 years old and betting all my holiday money on an absolute certainty in the Epsom Derby one year and then watching in the pub as it was narrowly beaten at the finishing line. On the plus side it nipped any gambling tendencies in the bud early on.

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