Are YOU my mother? Dogsitting: Day 4

Picture this: My 5-year-old grandson holding a small piece of apple as high as his arm can stretch while telling my sister’s dog, Mac, to ‘dance’….over and over and over. At the same time, my 2 ½ year old granddaughter is running circles around the coffee table counting to fourteen….over and over and over. My son and husband are talking, loudly. My daughter is on the phone and my older son had just left after stopping by to have dinner with us. My head is buzzing from the entire scene.
This is an average evening at home in my house. I took this picture of Mac after dinner tonight. I swear he was looking at me like, ‘Where is MY family?’ He probably thinks they sent him off to join the circus! Ha-ha
All kidding aside the dog is doing great and everyone is enjoying him being here. As I type this Mac is sound asleep on the recliner with my husband. When I took him out earlier, he had been outside so much he just looked at me and did not even want to do his business! I think there was nothing left!! Twice I took him for little walks with my granddaughter and she wanted to ‘help’ walk him by holding on to the leash. Each time he would pick up a scent and try to hop/pull on the leash, she would go into fits of laughter saying he looked like a bunny.
I am utterly exhausted and feel like I need a massage and a good sleep.

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