It's raining cats and dogs...

...and maybe a few buffalo.

See the raindrops bouncing off the lake.

It's been a little crazy with non-stop drenching down pours since about 1:00 am (it's 6:40 pm now). We have a flood warning in effect for the area until 9:30 tonight and I can believe it, our yard is a big puddle. I will admit that I love this weather; sitting inside listening to the water pelt the roof and shuttering from a big booming clap of thunder. However, my poor pup Piper doesn't share that romantic image of a storm, she has been shivering and panting since the middle of last night. She also did a pretty good job of keeping me awake... 'til 4:30 am! (I can't recall staying up that late since my college days... studying of course.) ;)

Since the weather didn't look like it would be letting up, I decided to grab the waterproof camera and my raincoat and head down to the lake. This is pretty much what I had in mind when I set out; I'm happy it turned out the way I was hoping it would. In the 10 minutes I spent on the dock, I managed to get soaked to the bone. But I'm sure I'm fairing much better than my husband who participated in a golf outing today. I can't figure out how they even saw the ball in this. I'm sure they had to stop play for lightening a few times, though why it wasn't called off is beyond me. He texted me that his new rain suit did it's job, but I can't imagine it was much fun... or, if they adopted the right attitudes, maybe it was even more fun... who knows. I'm just glad to be inside, dry and listening to the storm.

Next... to walk the dogs or not to walk the dogs... Maybe the rain will slow down a bit. I just need 20 minutes... Riley is giving me the sad face - begging for the walk. Piper would just assume we stayed home if there is thunder, but loves a walk in the quiet rain. Hmm, maybe the Hubs can take them in his nifty new rain suit when he gets home? ;)

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