
By Suzeee

Light at the end of the .....

Mmm awake so early and no need no work today. Decided to break my Tuesday house cleaning routine. I have all winter to do that :(
Had my chimney swept today in preparation. Need to book him early otherwise he is booked solid....
Spent the rest of the day trying to deal with my troubles and decided I am living in another world to all those I spoke to on the phone today....did it get me down? A bit. It boils down to simple maths 0-0=0 or another way 0+0=0 What is the worst that can this space and we will see!!
Thought i would go on a baking extravaganza, why exactly I thought that would help I have no idea.
I was fasting today too so maybe it was about proving to myself what a strong resolve I have......yea ok Suze whatever!! The results were good anyway. Raspberry flapjacks, 2 sultana cakes and a load of little iced get me.
I know, I know just keep pushing on.....a little bit of uplift to look forward to at the weekend :)

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