A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage

Socking big caterpillar

We came across this socking big caterpillar on the footpath to Walberswick beach, by the AONB reedbeds.

At first we thought it must be a child's rubber toy, it was so very big and colourful. But then it moved..

It was as long and as wide as my ring finger and beautifully green, decorated with a pattern of red-orange dots set in lines - and very very active.

I have cautiously identified it as an Emperor Hawk moth caterpillar. Gosh, I would love to see the adult - but in the meantime this was special enough.

If anyone can confirm this I would be very grateful. I am still recovering from the discovery that the bumble-bee I blipped last month was actually a Large Bee-fly, Bombylius major.


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