the weather still very nice and another cycle tour seemed a great idea for the afternoon. Not as far as yesterday's we thought. Why not cycle to the 'Wasserschloss' in Wülmersen, a path not going up or down hill very much.
It follows the Diemel river. Not as highly romantic as our trip of yesterday, but a wonderful scenery to enjoy. Accompanied by all the shrill shirping of perhaps thousand grasshoppers along our way.
I always like to take pictures of the castle but all the same they do not come out well. Once at least I have made one my blipfoto.
In the meadows around the Schloss there walked, sat or stood motionless in the shadow a lot of cows. They seemed terrible thin to me, their bones sticking out.
Several were so curious to meet me and licked my hand.
We did not take the same path on our way back, but followed the Holzape, a little stream. At some point we had to leave this stream and follow a path that we hoped would only rise for a short time. Wrongly thought.
We walked considerably long, pushing our bikes, but it was worth it. A very quiet path through a silent forest and eventually we reached Helmarshausen again and from there we cycled home.
At one point I saw the seeds ready to take off.

My haiku:

A sign in the air
Thousands of seeds following
The call of the wind

And the proverb:

Het is altoos geen voorspoed, zei grootje, en de pannekoek viel in de asch.

Translation: There is not always prosperity, grandma said, and the pancake fell in the embers.

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