Not quite the River Nile

Cleopatra's Needle is the oldest monument in London, but doesn't come from London. It's an ancient Egyptian obelisk which originally stood in the city of Heliopolis from 1450 BCE. It's twin is in New York's Central Park. There is another obelisk, not part of this set, in Paris. The London 'Needle' was erected on the north bank of the Thames in 1878.

A relaxing day at work today, and not much to report. I had the most purrrfect cat hat last night and was cosy from bed-time til morning, when Whisky got up to annoy Fred for food. Mwah-hah-hah!! We had dinner outside with this fella. I think he had settled for the night because I managed to get really close without him flinching, even when Fred started shaking the bush with the effort of pulling brambles from the hedge. As the light was fading, the colours haven't come up as beautiful as they truly are.

Good night.

Rodents on blip today:

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