Dolphin's Smile
We really did have a cruise on this boat here today. Well, they call it a cruise but it was really a three hour boat trip.
We set off from Macduff Harbour and the weather was fine. The idea was to go to where gannets were to be found, but just outside the harbour, a pod of dolphins was spotted and I managed to take this shot. Dolpin's Smile, a great track by the Byrds.
It was a three hour trip but the weather changed very quickly and it was quite rough on the way back.
The three stages of sea sickness.
1. You're afraid you are going to be sick
2. You're afraid you are going to die
3. You're afraid you are not going to die.
"There is a remote tribe that worships the number zero. Is nothing sacred?" Les Dawson.
P.S. It was my poor daughter who felt the waves!!
P.P.S. This is not a black and white shot! The sea was that grey.
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