Something Lovely

By SomethingLovely

Something Old, Something New

He was an old dream of mine...
A paper mache dragon with outspread wings and flexed talons. A single row of spikes align down his back and go all the way to the very tip of his long, sweeping tail. As a child I was quite intrigued with dragons and pondered daily of their existence. Real or not, I'd lose myself to dreams of sailing the skies on the spine of a scaled beast. We'd soar to our heart's content, and with every beat of his powerful wings, I knew this was the life I was suppose to live. This was my destiny.

But now here I am, exhausted after my first day of college, and I don't see of hint of my destiny anywhere. I don't just lack a dragon to ride--I lack a direction to go in. I'm stuck to earth's gravity with no way of getting higher than few feet off the ground. My heart is troubled and my mind, downcast. But despite these woes of mine, I do have one thing that I hold very dear...Hope. It's a little dim, and a little hard to hold at times; but nonetheless it is there to comfort me at night and promise me something new every morning. Without hope, I'd be six feet under by now. For when the sun beckons my eyes to depart from slumber, Hope is there to pull me close and whisper,

"This day has been made to be bright and beautiful. But you, you were constructed after something perfect. You're an image of love, a reflection of grace, and a breathing example of something much brighter than any galaxy's star....Because you were first loved, it is in your blood to be something lovely. As to what is lovely, that is for you to discover..."

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