Only one left

From the 7 caterpillars that had been feeding on the scarlet sage plants (Salvia Splendens) on my courtyard, only this one seems to be left today. Not only did I look for caterpillars but also for chrysalises, in case they might have transformed into any already, but I couldn't find a single one of those either, even though I know what they look like.

Even though I try not to be, I'm usually very critical of my photos. There are even periods of time when I'm overly critical of them and during those periods I also seem to struggle a lot with the settings of the camera which usually results in frustration and I end up deleting most, if not all of the photos I take then. Unfortunately I seem to have hit one of those periods again. Hopefully I can keep my blips interesting enough until I manage to get through it eventually but I already apologise for it if I should fail.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on my blip of Ozzie from yesterday. They are very much appreciated.

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