The first few hours!!
What a fab weekend I'm having, yesterday finished this morning at 3!!
So this morning I laid in bed til late, no I didn't i stupidly got up and went to the gym I realised this was a silly thing to do, but I bought some lucozade to get me through the pain barrier! It worked.
On the way home I got a phone call from Bryn to say that the little chick was on its way and the egg was cracking. I couldn't wait to get home and as soon as I walked in the door had a look and there it was the first little crack!!
I sat there waiting for ages thinking it's gonna crack again soon but no she wasn't ready.
So we carried on the day little sis turned up and Emma and we headed to the super sausage for a some breakfast.
Came home still nothing from the egg, we then waited expectantly for another few hours Emma fell asleep, Kate and I took the dogs out and the boys pottered around doing jobs!!
Then at 5 o'clock things started to happen the egg started moving more, there we were 3 adults and 2 kids crowded round incubator listening to Queens i want to break free playing in the background i kid you not watching her hatch!! Since she's hatched she has tried desperately to first lift her head and then try to walk. It all gets to much that as soon as she takes a couple of little steps she falls and then goes to sleep until the next try!!
She's is so sweet I can't stop watching her!!
:) x
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