the colour green

By jukeys

isle sur la sorge

In this gorgeous town for the first time this morning. What a beautiful place! Pity I was working...

Pierre and I had our first market today. We're replacing friends of ours for a few days who are away on holiday. They sell beautiful kids' t-shirts.

As it was our first day, you can imagine the stress. We had to drive down the tiniest street to get to our place, get help from our marketeer neighbours regarding how to set up the stand, and then sell, sell, sell!

Leaving at the end of the market was even more difficult...Pierre got the car stuck at one point and had to be guided out (it's not his car which made it even harder!). Then we realised we had a flat tyre. ARGH!

Made it home in one (knackered) piece.

In bed by 9pm! ha!

This is a photo of Pierre watching a couple who were singing behind our stand. They were crooning away with all the French classics. There was also a boat race going on near us at one point and I took loads of pictures of that - people falling into the river, people having to get out of their boats to push themselves up the river...that type of thing - but I had to use this pic for my blip today.

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