West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The Storm is Coming

The forecast was good and I had hoped for another sunset given the twins wanted to head for the beach again tonight. We walked but it was cold, a change sweeping the estuary as the wind started to rise.

The temperature dropped and as I turned to see with horror the blackness of the cloud, low, sinister ominous, I could actually feel the day change as the cloud rolled over the river I carried o walking out, the twins skimming stones, finding jellyfish and slopping through the mud laughing and screaming as they slid on th e bed of seaweed that inhabited the beach at low water. The cries of the birds were being carried on the wind making an eerie almost haunting song to accompany me.

We eventually turned for home, I was glad, it was now chilly and I had not taken a fleece with me thinking that the sun would sustain me, sadly notto be.

I like the anger in the black cloud contrasted with the whispy white clouds against the still blue sky, I hope you enjoy the shot and I hope the weather system passes over without incident!!!

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