The Wave Rider

I just love the creativity how people create nice things without spending huge budgets to make a point or to draw attention to their homemade deli cooking.

I went back to the cute little alternative food truck festival I rained away yesterday. Now the sun was shining and it was one big happy picnic, musical entertainment and children animation.

Of course I went back to the girls of Claire's Kitchen and tried a - just as yummy - dade cake this time!

So what to chose for my pick of the day?

I really liked this surf dude riding the tube wave made of two layers of blue plastic water bottles and making a plea to keep our oceans clean.

(every kid that mounted the board was freeze framed by a photographer with a fixed camera next to me. He told me he shot over 3000 kids in two days!)

I'll be uploading more images of this festival on flickr later today.

P.s. NEW. I uploaded all my 450 previous blips on a 'delft blue tile wall' for a quick overview on Facebook.
Please feel free to visit me there too (and 'like' me, 'share' me, 'follow me' etc on this link ;-)

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