A Tinge of Autumn

Our neighbors, Ann and Paul, came for dinner last night and we stayed up quite late talking and continuing to get acquainted. Ann is from South Africa and has issued a vague and open-ended invitation to visit her brother's game reserve in Botswana--a tempting offer indeed.

I may have to go reclaim my 365 Book from their end of the street. When she expressed an interest in it, I loaned it to Cindy, who left a day later to take her daughter to college in Colorado. Ann, who lives across the street, saw it when she went to feed the fish, Andy, and took it home with her. Cindy wants it back and OilMan, who was reading it first, is also asking for it back! I admit I was excited about it, but I never thought people would by vying to read it!

OilMan bought himself a new camera today. He used to take beautiful pictures on backpacking trips, carrying with him his heavy Pentax with two lenses. We still have boxes full of his slides turning dark in the closet. His interest in taking pictures has now rekindled, perhaps because he has to accommodate my blip obsession. I'm sure he will quickly overtake me, but I don't think he will become a blipper. Perhaps he will make a guest appearance here from time to time. He seems to be postponing opening the box until after he goes to work tomorrow, the better to savor the experience.

It's a lot more exciting, I must admit, than the toaster I bought yesterday.....

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