aging hippy

By aginghippy

Through a rainy window

First of all and most importantly thanks so very much for all of the congratulations on my 200th blip and all the very kind comments about yesterday's blip saturday's 200th
It has been a true pleasure in discovering Blipfoto.
I'm sure it has made me a better photographer and braver with my concept work.
Also I'm truly surprised quite often at my photographs that fellow blippers enjoy. They're quite often very different from my opinions but that's what helps us all grow as creative photographers.
One thing I have noticed over the 200 blips is that the quality of everyones blips seem to be getting better and better. Blipfoto is unique and I hope it remains true to it's original ideals.
A special thanks to all of you who have subscribed to my daily blips. This is truly appreciated and quite humbling.

Peace, Love and Hugs ( and the occasional Krispy Kreme doughnut ! )

Now as for today's blip. After yesterdays spectacular weather, the heavens opened at about midnight and we've had about 4 inches of rain in the last 12 hours, so today to try and create the mood I took a regular shot through an open upstairs window and then processed it simulating a 35mm Kodak Plus-X 125XPro film.
I reduced the pixel size to 24 grain per pixel then added a softer fusion of the details to create an effect as if we are looking out at the rain through a rain streaked window. ( didn't use photoshop either ! that would have been to easy but probably have taken me less than 3 hours hehe )


oops forgot to add D300 f22 1/500 10mm

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