Of rich and royal hue..

By mintlawquine


It's Y today, almost at the end of the August alphabet challenge. I've enjoyed it, but it might finish here if I can't think of what to blip for Z!

This yellow potentilla is the only yellow flower on my garden at this time of year. Earlier in the spring there's loads of yellow but today this was the sole specimen I could find. Earlier today the haar was still around and I thought it would be a pretty dull blip, but the sun obliged about four as I took this shot and provided some lovely light on the flowers and intensified the yellow.

We've had a fine weekend with my "wee" brother and his missus. For wee read youngest, as he is considerably taller and broader then me. We gad a nice jaunt up the coast to Cullen yesterday, a stroll on the beach, a renowned Cullen ice cream, and some chips in the square. Simple pleasures! Happy times indeed!

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