The World In Jake's Eye
After the heat of yesterday, and as expected the rain arrived and things cooled down a little. This is a changeable time of the year so not too unusual for us.
I managed to get a few little jobs out of the way early and spent the rest of the day going through some more old boxes of ancient stuff. I was trying to throw things away and ended up not throwing anything away at all :(
I found a lot of old weeds and seeds that I had collected years ago and they are all dried up and quite beautiful. I spent a good few hours playing with them and photographing them and getting lost in the beauty of it all, just so wonderful.
I was having a hard time deciding which one to blip and put the macro lens back on the phone for one last try on a particularly amazing seed head.
Then I noticed Jake looking at me and thought I would also just see if he would be kind enough to let me take a quick shot of his eye again.
Oh he didn't like it one bit but suffered through my two tries and bingo I managed to catch this one with the amazing reflection of another world as clear as a bell!! What a sweetie he is to cooperate so nicely :)
Needless to say this one won and I'll blip the weeds and seeds some other time ::))
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