So. Time to put some words to the day. A good day - though technically it started too early, with Miss 7 coming into our room at 12:51 am asking for a drink of water. I did get back to sleep, waking for the day at around 5:30. Just wasn't feeling a run - so I decided I'd go after lunch. After breakfast I went to the garden shop (well, first trip was to Bunnings; second was to the actual garden shop) for mulch, a rose, and some fertiliser. But before that I wandered around with my camera and nabbed this butcher bird - which I very nearly blipped.
I then started work on the roses, removing all their old mulch and weeds, ripping out two roses which have given no flowers - despite huge amounts of growth - in the last couple of years ( I think I gave them a good chance to prove themselves), planting the new rose, watering, fertilising, and mulching. Pretty pleased with that.
After lunch I did go for my run - and hit the trails for the first time in a while. It reinforced to me that I run much better on empty, first thing in the morning. I was exhaust. And defeat. And despite reminding myself that defeat is not in de feet, but in de mind, I found myself failing. I count it as a victory that I managed to actually start moving again at various points coming to the end of the run, and the mahoosive climb out of the gully. Seriously though, I've described it before as like a Bach fugue: just when you think it's about to resolve and end, there's another twist and off it goes. This afternoon I was thinking more in Dr Who terms: I felt like I was stuck in a never-ending wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey repeating time loop. xP
I did take some nice photos: this one close to the Glenbrook Creek junction was very pretty, with a magpie visible on the far bank; another was flying around, but not in shot. I felt as though this one conveyed a bit of the seeming endlessness. I did stop for a few minutes after I heard a big rustle off the track. All I had, of course, was my iPhone, which doesn't, of course, zoom very well, but nonetheless, herewith a lyrebird.
Sitting about reading (more of Jim Al-Khalili's "Paradox"; quantum mechanics and Relativity are just sooooo weird), Missy-moo came to show us her loose tooth. It's been loose for a fair while now but seemed much more so today. I asked her if she felt it was ready to come out, and whether she wanted to pull it out. She shook her head - an then said she wanted me to pull it out.
So I did. ;-) The tooth fairy left $1.
After that, I helped Missy make dinner. Her Aussie grandparents gave her a cookbook for getting her "star student" award. She made cupcakes which were excellent, and then she asked to make dinner, and chose spaghetti bolognese. Ooh it was nice! She did a great job, and was very enthusiastic - in her apron given by (NZ) Granny.
Then, finally, we come to getting the blip that pipped the butcher bird. I think I can be fairly proud of this - though it didn't turn out quite as planned, due to poor aim (check the full panorama). That said, I wouldn't describe myself as disappointed...
Gorn. Make it bigger. 8)
Oh, and I even saw an iridium flare too. ^_^
A little postscript (as I'm not sure I've written enough): I realised today, when reading about Kinda Horrigan's great day that I really have changed. I feel better when my day is fuller; when I work physically hard; when I grow something; when I do some dad-ing; when I push my running close to my limits. Just better. Such a different person I have become.
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