The Suns First Port of Call.....

...The most Easterly point of Australia.

There was so many Dolphins and Whales Frolicking in the water...and you cant see them but just about middle left there were a whole pod of Whales just under the water...there were also some people in kayaks out there too....I wasn't quite sure weather to be envious of them or happy that I was safely on land.

As someone pointed out all it would take is a slap from one of those huge flukes and the rest would be history.

I have been rather remiss in commenting the last few days ...hoping to rectify that tonite.
Yes! it has been a big few days and I have been really knackered by the time we got home...however I have had a lovely little nap this afternoon and I'm feeling revived.
It was a real pleasure to have Peter Sleepyhead here to stay for a few days...we had fun exploring and driving and chatting.....a are always welcome here P.

This morning we did one last jaunt up to the Lighthouse.....where as I said those big ocean going mammals and their smaller brothers and sisters put on quite a show...a lovely way to start the day.

For Peter

Your heart is the size of an ocean.
Go find yourself in its hidden depths.

Rumi (not the dog)

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