West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Lyle Hill Light

Apologies for the very late entry tonight. It has been a very long day and I am glad it is drawing inexorably to a close

It has been a beautiful day, the weather warm, warm as a late summer day should be, the faintest hint of a breeze wafting the warmth in my face this evening as I walked only a very short distance to the beacon point on the Lyle Hill, from here the view that unfolds of our river is breath taking. I had not clear plan to shoot the river today, but then again I seldom do, usually I am just drawn to her, craving her company, her quiet repose, her satisfying serenity as I walk with her.

My plans today were simple spend time with the twins and then go and see my friend Kevin, to share some time with him, and so it was. I am saddened to see him so frail, but humbled at his stoicism and good humour, we talked again of people and places, the twists and turns our lives had taken and how we never imagined that we would end up as we had, all our childhood hopes and dreams, in the main just that; hopes and dreams, he asked me if I had any regrets in life, I have only two, one of which was blowing my education when I was young, but in hindsight, in the circumstances, I now see that that was beyond my control, the other; well maybe that is a story best not told for now!!!

Three hours just slipped away, I took my leave, I am considering asking him if he would let me shoot his portrait, but given his health I fear he may decline. I will ponder this and see how things go and we will see.

I hope you enjoy the spectrum of colours tonight, not the spectacular light show but something beautiful to my eye, defiantly best in large.

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